Find Your Quiet Place – SoundPrint Challenge 2023
We’re excited to partner with SoundPrint, a hearing health app, to promote hearing health awareness. Join us this October for SoundPrint’s Find Your Quiet Place Challenge!
During October, 30+ prominent hearing health organisations worldwide will participate in the 2023 FYQP Challenge to collect sound-level data using the SoundPrint App.
The sound measurements from the Challenge will enable SoundPrint to advocate for safe noise levels, help communities find quieter places, and protect the public’s hearing health.
It’s fun, easy, and prizes will be awarded! Be sure to join us!
The details
Beginning Sunday, October 1 and continuing till the 31st, we will focus our attention on sound levels in our communities and take sound measurements in public venues to promote hearing health awareness.
We will use the SoundPrint app to frequently measure sound levels at local venues (restaurants, parks, shops, offices, theaters, and cafés). The goal is to measure and submit as many sound levels as possible. Prizes will be awarded to the most dedicated participants!
Using the SoundPrint app is simple. Once downloaded, your smartphone turns into a decibel meter allowing you to take sound measurements everywhere you go and submit them to the app’s database.
Join us!
Visit the FYQP webpage to download the app, register for the Challenge, get the details on prizes and more.
You can also read our article on how to use the SoundPrint app here.
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