Hearing Loss Awareness and Sector News
Does hearing loss cause dementia?
What does the research currently say about the link between untreated hearing loss and dementia?
BHA and Brisbane Metro: Delivering on Accessibility
BHA and our consumer volunteers are playing a crucial role in consulting with the local government regarding the new Brisbane Metro.
What is Tinnitus? Causes and Treatment.
According to Health Direct about two-thirds of people in Australia suffer from tinnitus at some stage of their life. What is it and how can it be treated?
BHA helps TMR lead the country with new hearing devices for customers
Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will roll out portable hearing loops to all customer service centres provided by BHA.
Holiday Travel with Hearing Aids
The last thing you want on a holiday while travelling is losing the use of your hearing aids. But it can happen, and the best way to avoid trouble is to be prepared.
#LOCKONTOLOOPS – Hearing Loop Awareness Campaign
We launch our #LOCKONTOLOOPS campaign, advocating for enhanced hearing accessibility through hearing loops across a range of diverse sectors for Queensland's "Disability Action Week 2023 - Access ignites: it's good business"
Acoustic Neuromas: What You Need to Know
Acoustic neuromas are estimated to affect about 1 in 100,000 people in the general population, and more than 300 Australians are diagnosed with acoustic neuroma every year. BHA support people in our community with Acoustic Neuromas.
Hearing Loss Awareness Training: Better Customer Experiences for Local Councils
Why is it important for local councils to improve the customer experience for their residents with hearing loss?
Find Your Quiet Place – SoundPrint Challenge 2023
During the month of October, 30+ prominent hearing health organizations will participate in the 2023 FYQP Challenge to collect sound level data using the SoundPrint App.
Queensland Government Triples Inclusive Facilities Fund to $30 Million
The Queensland Government has announced the Inclusive Facilities Fund will receive a substantial increase from $10 million to $30 million.