Legislation and Policy

Audiologists and Audiometrists: What is the difference when it comes to your hearing care?
In Australia, Audiologists and Audiometrists can both look after your hearing health. What is the difference?

Queensland Government Triples Inclusive Facilities Fund to $30 Million
The Queensland Government has announced the Inclusive Facilities Fund will receive a substantial increase from $10 million to $30 million.

Hearing Loops: Still the Key to Clearer Sound and Inclusive Experiences
BHA are calling for continued integration of telecoil technology in new generations of hearing aids and installation in new public builds.

How the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) Supports Accessible Workplaces
The Australian government has just announced an increase in funding to the EAF, which provides financial assistance to eligible workers to help cover the costs of workplace modifications and assistive technology.

Smoke Alarm Regulations Pose Challenge for People with Hearing Loss
How do new smoke detector regulations impact people with hearing loss, and what's the difference between renters and homeowners?

Reforms of the Queensland Transport Standards – have your say at a public consultation event
Registrations for upcoming public consultations events for Stage 2 Reforms of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 are now open.

Roadmap for Hearing Health… how far down the road are we?
We take a look at the Federal Government's Roadmap for Hearing Health and the progress made so far.

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 and Hearing Loss
BHA take a closer look at the 2021-2031 National Disability Strategy and see where one of the disabilities, hearing loss, fits in.